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Leduc Figure Skating Club Board of Directors


Leduc Figure Skating Club has been a well respected member of Skate Canada for more than 50 years. All programs are offered at the state of the art Leduc Recreation Centre.  Leduc Figure Skating Club offers programs for all ages and any skating ability.  The Leduc Figure Skating Club coaching team works closely with the Volunteer Board to provide a comprehensive training program that utilizes both on and off ice instruction to help skaters develop to the best of their unique abilities.   The Board of Directors is made up of a group of dedicated volunteers. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer for a vacant position, please do not hesitate to contact us.


2024/2025 Board of Directors

President - Erin Tresoor

Vice President - Shane Brown

Administrator - Courtney Mielnichuk

Registrar - Vacant

Treasurer - Taylor Fraser

Secretary - Joscelyn Stachniak-Willams

Assessment Coordinator - vacant

Coaching Representative - Emily Johnston

Director - Fundraising - Zoya Mahmood

Director - Communications/Advertising - Amy Anderson

Director - At Large - Nikki Sereda

Carnival Coordinator - Kendra McLean