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CLICK for 2024-2025 Program Information

The ITS program is geared towards skaters with an interest in figure skating who have prior skating experience. In ITS, skaters participate in hour-long practice sessions twice a week minimum. Sessions in the ITS program are done in a group setting to encourage cooperation between skaters and allow them to motivate each other to reach their goals, all while providing opportunity for one-on-one instruction time with a trained NCCP coach. 


This program is a great transition from CanSkate into the StarSkate program by offering skaters 45 minutes of group instruction and 15 minutes of supervised practice time to facilitate independent practice skills. The 45-minute instruction time includes a 15-mintue group stroking lesson focusing on some of the essential components of skating: power, edge development, endurance, flexibility, and musicality. 

Additionally, within the 45-minute instructional period, skaters will work with a coach on skills from Stages 4, 5, and 6 of the CanSkate program within the three fundamental areas of balance, control, and agility. Skaters will also be introduced to skills from early StarSkate levels. By offering 15 minutes of independent practice time, skaters can revisit skills they enjoyed or ones they found difficult to improve their skating and better understand their individual goals within skating.


Dryland Training

To facilitate our athletes in Intro To StarSKATE all the way through Senior StarSKATE we offer Dryland Training (Off Ice) once per week in Winter, and new for Spring, once a week. In some circumstances during our Summer Bootbreaker Camps we offer Dryland weekly or once a week.

These classes are usually indoor during our regular season and outdoor for Spring and Summer. They are 45 mins in length and facilitated by a Professional Coach of Figure Skating or a Professionally Certified Fitness Trainer.

As a group we work on flexibility, endurance, balance, musicality, jump & spin technique, muscle memory, speed drills, alignment & posture conditioning. Our groups have experienced choreographed dance, Zumba, ballet, circuit training, yoga and skipping classes to name a few.

Off ice is essential in progression with Star and is included with your fee’s. You are welcome even if it is not your skating day.

Please bring a yoga mat, water bottle and wear running shoes and exercise clothes to your Dryland Training.


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